Movie Recommendation: Tetris

Highly recommend watching the movie Tetris that was just released last week on Apple+. I deeply enjoy movies about late-stage communism in the 1980s and Tetris unexpectedly falls well within that genre. Other great movies/series that I like in this category are: The Lives of Others, Chernobyl, Mr Jones, and Deutschland 1983.

The movie Tetris got me thinking about contract law and the power of the state, as it artfully tied the decay of Soviet communism to the video game Tetris. A contract is only as powerful as the goons willing to recognize it. As the Iron Curtain and the legitimacy of the Soviet state began to fall, the legal power of the Western world usurped that of the Soviets.

What am I consuming?

Dark hot chocolate at L.A.Buridick Chocolates in Boston's Back Bay on Clarendon St

I resubscribed to Netflix 3 years ago and it has been my primary TV service since then. I also subscribe to Prime and have access to a former housemate’s Hulu account. I have no desire to go back to cable TV. Here are some of the more memorable shows and movies that I’ve liked since cutting the cord in no particular order.


  1. The Crown
  2. The Spy
  3. The Politician
  4. The Assassination of Gianni Versace
  5. Living with Yourself
  6. Tiger King
  7. Babylon Berlin (German)
  8. The Queen’s Gambit
  9. Hunt for the Wilderpeople
  10. Paul Hollywood’s Big Continental Road Trip
  11. This is a Robbery: The World’s Biggest Art Heist (Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum)
  12. Lupin (French)
  13. The Parisian Agency (French)
  14. Intouchables (French)
  15. The Tinder Swindler
  16. Inventing Anna
  17. The Empress
  18. Somebody Feed Phil
  19. The Last Czar
  20. Unorthodox
  21. Mr. Jones


  1. The Dropout: Elizabeth Holmes
  2. American Crime Story: Monica Lewinsky


  1. Deutschland 1983 / 1986 (Sundance)
  2. Chernobyl (HBO)
  3. Marvelous Mrs. Maizel (Amazon)
  4. Tehran (Apple TV)
  5. Ted Lasso (Apple TV)